

SB Fijaciones, which started out as a family company founded in 1984, has continued to grow in strength over time to take up a prominent position in the creative field of ventilated facades.

Our company focuses on the manufacture of securing structures and elements designed for use in the installation of facades, an operation that involves the use of absolutely top-quality raw materials.The wide variety of materials used in facades sections and the demands of the market are such that we are continually developing our products in an effort to provide solutions for use in the installation of the latest generation of facade elements.

Our company is not merely a business, but also a source of cooperation, support, trust and professional respect. We are confident that our customers will appreciate our corporate principles and we thank them, in turn, for their confidence in us.


Here at SB Fijaciones, we always design and manufacture our products with safety in mind. It is on this basis that we offer systems destined for use in the installation of ventilated facades which are robust, generously-sized and much more secure than the specifications that each application demands. Facades installed with our systems are both of high quality and free from possible mechanical defects. The members of our team are justly proud of the top-quality facades that their efforts produce, and of the future performance that they promise.